Gödel, Escher, Bach Wiki

Sections of the book

Part I: GEB

"Gödel, Escher, Bach"

Dialogues Chapters
  Introduction – A Musico-Logical Offering
Three-Part Invention 1 – The MU-Puzzle
Two-Part Invention, or What the Tortoise Said to Achilles 2 – Meaning and Form in Mathematics
Sonata for Unaccompanied Achilles 3 – Figure and Ground
Contracrostipunctus 4 – Consistency, Completeness, and Geometry
Little Harmonic Labyrinth 5 – Recursive Structures and Processes
Canon by Intervallic Augmentation 6 – The Location of Meaning
Chromatic Fantasy, And Feud 7 – The Propositional Calculus
Crab Canon 8 – Typographical Number Theory
A Mu Offering 9 – Mumon and Gödel

Part II: EgGB

An "Eternal Golden Braid"

Dialogues Chapters
Prelude... 10 – Levels of Description, and Computer Systems
...Ant Fugue 11 – Brains and Thoughts
English French German Suite 12 – Minds and Thoughts
Aria with Diverse Variations 13 – BlooP and FlooP and GlooP
Air on G's String 14 – On Formally Undecidable Propositions of TNT and Related Systems
Birthday Cantatatata... 15 – Jumping out of the System
Edifying Thoughts of a Tobacco Smoker 16 – Self-Ref and Self-Rep
The Magnificrab, Indeed 17 – Church, Turing, Tarski, and Others
SHRDLU, Toy of Man's Designing 18 – Artificial Intelligence: Retrospects
Contrafactus 19 – Artificial Intelligence: Prospects
Sloth Canon 20 – Strange Loops, or Tangled Hierarchies
Six-Part Ricercar  

About this site

Douglas Hofstadter's award-winning book, Gödel, Escher, Bach, is a journey through surprisingly intertwined ideas from mathematics, art, music, computer science, and philosophy.

This wiki is a place for discussing the book, understanding its context, discovering its hidden tricks, and exploring its unanswered questions.

The wiki was started in December 2014, by members of /r/geb on Reddit. Anyone can begin editing and contributing to the wiki, simply by creating an account.

The shared experience of GEB

Gödel, Escher, Bach has introduced new fields of thought to a generation of self-directed learners. A Nature review called it "an entire humanistic education between the covers of a single book". It's become a fixture in geek culture, even bleeding into popular culture once in a while.

It's a book that encourages you to participate in it. To fully experience it, you don't just read it, you do it by doing the math, listening to the music, participating in the culture surrounding it, and discussing the ideas you come across with other people.

As much as the book is packed full of ideas, the book alone doesn't give you everything you need to get the most out of it. Reading GEB has often been a solitary experience, with readers having to go look up the music, the cultural references, the details of the math, and the ways these fields of knowledge have changed in the decades since it was written.

You could imagine a supplement to GEB that contains everything the book doesn't. A place to find "notes in the margin" written by other people sharing the experience of reading the book. That's what this wiki could be.

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  • You can make simple edits using Wikia's graphical editor, but if you're doing any interesting formatting, you'll probably end up needing to use the "source editor", where you edit the Wikitext in the same syntax that would be used on Wikipedia. To use the source editor, click the drop-down menu in the upper right, next to "Cancel" and "Publish".
  • Start discussing the book!
    • If you have something to say about a chapter that you think should be part of a reader's guide to GEB, put it directly in that chapter's article.
    • If you have something to say that's more subjective or uncertain, such as your personal take on something in GEB that others are free to disagree with, add it to a section called "Commentary" and sign it with your user name.
    • For more temporary things, such as discussing the current state of a page or replying to someone, use the comment box at the bottom of the page.
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